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Profile picture for user Frederico Amado De Moura E Sá

Frederico Amado De Moura E Sá

Universidade de Aveiro
Full Researcher
Urbanist, PhD in Architecture by the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto, Master in Urban Planning by the University of Aveiro and Bachelor in Civil Engineering by the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. He has been a Lecturer at the University of Aveiro since 2008 where he is responsible for a range of graduate and undergraduate courses around public space, mobility and urban planning in the Department of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences, in the Department of Environment and Planning and in the Department of Civil Engineering. At the University of Aveiro, as a researcher, he is a full member of GOVCOPP (Centre for Studies in Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies) and participated in several researches, highlighting is work in the project “Costs and Benefits of Urban Dispersion on a Local Scale”. He is Managing Partner of the UEST Company since 2017. At UEST he collaborates intensively with numerous municipalities in the coordination of plans and urban projects.



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Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board | 2023

João Teixeira

Cecília Silva

Frederico Sá

Journal of Transport Geography | 2023

João Teixeira

Cecília Silva

Frederico Sá

Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice | 2022

Filipe Teixeira

C. Silva

Moura Sá

Finisterra | 2022

João Ferreira

Catarina Isidoro

Frederico Sá

José Mota

Transport Reviews | 2021

J.F. Teixeira

C. Silva

Moura Sá


Cecília Silva

José Mota

Frederico Sá

Miguel Lopes

Ana Dias

Catarina Isidoro

Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour | 2021

J.F. Teixeira

C. Silva

Moura Sá