Elisabeth Kastenholz is Associate Professor, with Habilitation, at the Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism, at the University of Aveiro, where she teaches Tourism and Marketing related subjects since 1994. She integrates, as full researcher, the University’s Research Unit GOVCOPP (Governance, Competitiveness and Pubic Policies) since 2007, currently coordinating GOVCOPP's Research Line of Tourism and Development.
Elisabeth holds a PhD in Tourism Studies from the University of Aveiro (2002- The Role and Marketing Implications of Destination Images on Tourist Behavior: The Case of Northern Portugal), a Master in Business Administration (1997- The Background and Market Profile of Tourism in Rural areas in the Portuguese North and Central Region), from ISEE/ Oporto University (Instituto Superior de Estudos Empresariais; today's Oporto Business School), a degree (Licenciatura) in “Tourism Management and Planning” (1993) and a bachelor in “Public Administration - specificity Foreign Affairs” (Germany) (1987).
She is member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tourismuswissenschaft e.V., of the Portuguese Society of Rural Studies and of the National Platform of Tourism. She serves as editorial Board Member of the scopus and WoS-indexed: Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Tourism and Hospitality, Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft/ Journal of Tourism Science, Cuadernos de Gestion/ Management Letters, Journal of Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being and Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, being frequently invited for reviews in other international journals and reviewer and member of Scientific Committees at numerous international scientific conferences, in the fields of tourism, management/ marketing and rural studies.
Elisabeth has assumed several coordinating positions regarding in the (5 and 4-years) degree and master courses in Tourism Management and Planning/ Development (notably in the period of Bolonha changes and after), at the University of Aveiro, as well as in the doctoral program of Marketing and Strategy (joint program of University of Aveiro, University of Minho and University of Beira Interior). She has also acted as Coordinator of the scientific area of Tourism at the University of Aveiro and is currently responsible for International Mobility at DEGEIT in the field of Tourism.
She has coordinated and participated in 16 research projects, in the fields of accessible, senior, social rural, nature, cultural and sustainable tourism, innovative tourism education, cross-border tourism initiatives and regional development. Amongst her most important research initiatives are: the Erasmus+ project “E-Cul-Tours”- Managing Cultural Heritage in Tourism (2017-2020) (coordinated by Werner Gronau) – as local coordinator; the Erasmus+ project “Future-proof your classroom: teaching skills 2030” (coordinated by Petra Hauptfeld-Goellner, University of Applied Sciences Burgenland/ Austria), her coordinating role in two 3-years research projects, with competitive national research funding (FCT): "The overall rural tourism experience and sustainable development of local communities” (2010-2013) and “TWINE – Co-creating sustainable Tourism & WINe Experiences in rural areas” (2018-2022), with several research projects also undertaken for actors from the tourism field, for local, national or regional institutions. She has also been actively involved in supervising numerous individual research projects, namely 49 (concluded) master theses, 16 (concluded) doctoral and 3 post-doctoral projects, partly linked to these projects, as well as to organizational internships in the tourism sector.
As a result of this research engagement she has published extensively, with over 500 peer-reviewed scientific publications (including papers/ abstracts in over 200 conference proceedings and over 100 chapters in national and international books), 100 publications being indexed in the SCOPUS and/or web-of-science database. Her research has attracted considerable interest, with over 3700 citations of her work on SCOPUS, where she holds an h-index of 35 in July 2024.
Her current research interests lie in sustainability-enhancing tourism destination marketing, consumer behaviour in tourism (with a focus on destination image and co-creative destination experience), sustainable and regenerative tourism, accessible tourism, rural tourism and related topics like food & wine, slow and nature-based tourism, particularly with a link to sustainable territory and community development. She is also interested in innovative methodologies, interdisciplinary collaboration (e.g. eyetracking; neurophysiological reactions towards visual stimuli; space-time tracking and analysis; geographic mapping of tourism information and respective analysis) and cooperation with active agents in the fields of tourism, territorial development and heritage management.
For more information, particularly her publications see:
Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft | 2024
Rafaela Malerba
Elisabeth Kastenholz
Maria Carneiro
European Countryside | 2024
Maria Pato
Diana Cunha
Cristina Barroco
Conceição Cunha
Elisabeth Kastenholz
Value Proposition to Tourism Coopetition: Cases and Tools | 2024
Elisabeth Kastenholz
Mariana Carvalho
"Tourism governance approaches for facing the new challenges of the tourism industry in the Mediterranean region". -Tourism Studies on the Mediterranean Region" | 2024
Dora Gomes
Elisabeth Kastenholz
Alcina Gaspar
Tourism Recreation Research | 2023
Mariana Carvalho
Elisabeth Kastenholz
Maria Carneiro
Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes | 2023
Elisabeth Kastenholz
Arminda Paço
Ana Nave
European Journal of Tourism Research | 2023
Tiago Borlido
Elisabeth Kastenholz
Elisabeth Kastenholz
Mariana Carvalho
Luís Souza
International Journal of Wine Business Research | 2023
Diana Cunha
Elisabeth Kastenholz
Carla Silva
Tourism and hospitality management | 2023
Edgar Bernardo
Nuno Sousa
Elisabeth Kastenholz