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ACTION – Accessible tourism: Co-creation of Tourism experIence thrOugh Web-based IntelligeNt System

Scientific Research Project

What is ACTION about?

ACTION aims to respond to the constraints faced by people with disability when travelling and during their tourism experiences by developing an innovative instrument to provide communication, information sharing, suggestions based on users’ profiles and knowledge transfer among all stakeholders (consumers with disabilities and elderly, supply agents, and institutions responsible for training in tourism).


  • Develop a Web-based Intelligent System (WBIS) to facilitate the co-creation of tourism experiences for an accessible tourism market
  • Increase the differentiation and competitiveness of tourism destinations
  • Encourage the development of accessible tourism and simultaneously contribute to the promotion of more inclusive societies

Start Date:
End Date:
Internal Coordinator
Internal Member
Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra
ISAG – European Business School
Bodil Blichfeldt