Manuel Luís Au-Yong Oliveira was born in London and English is his mother tongue. Manuel has two daughters and two step-children and currently resides in Porto, Portugal. Manuel did his post-doctoral studies at the University of Aveiro (2016-2019) with the title “Elements that contribute to organisational competitiveness"; Manuel has a PhD in Industrial Engineering and Management, from FEUP (University of Porto, 2012; distinction awarded to the thesis), an MBA from Cardiff (Cardiff University is a prestigious, research-focused, Russell Group University in the UK) (distinction awarded to the dissertation) (equivalence given to a Master's in Management by Universidade Católica Portuguesa, in Lisbon), and an undergraduate degree in Management Information Processing, from Universidade Portucalense (1991). Manuel is an Associate Professor with Habilitation (in Management - Marketing - April 2022) at the University of Aveiro (DEGEIT) where he has lectured at the undergraduate, master's and doctoral levels on marketing, innovation, strategy and research methods. Before lecturing full-time at the University of Aveiro Manuel also lectured for a number of years at the University of Porto - FEUP (Business Construction Project, on the Master's in Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship), where he has also supervised a number of master's dissertations. Manuel is currently a researcher affiliated to GOVCOPP (full researcher) and INESC TEC (collaborator). Previously, Manuel was the Director of the Undergraduate Degree in Management, at the University of Aveiro (14-09-2015 a 7-12-2016). Manuel was the Director of the Master's Degree in Management (2016-2022) at the University of Aveiro, in Portugal. Furthermore, Manuel was a member of the Executive Commission of his department - DEGEIT - University of Aveiro (2014 - 2022). Finally, Manuel coordinates the Commission for Ethics and Social Responsibility at DEGEIT - University of Aveiro (since 2018). Manuel has won numerous awards including an honourable mention in the University of Aveiro Researcher Awards 2022 - for the area of Social Sciences.
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