The Systems for Decision Support research group aims to develop expertise in the design and deployment of methods and techniques coming from statistics and operational research to support complex decision making processes, namely in the areas related to the research group's activities, such as supply chain reengineering, regional science, urban economics, and financial economics.
Within supply chain reengineering, the research projects and initiatives include competitiveness and innovation, purchasing and supply management, manpower planning, internal operations planning and control, inventory control, storage and warehouse operations, delivery and return, systems modeling, and process reengineering. In the scope of the regional science and urban economics area, most of the research work relies on spatial development strategies, demand-responsive transport, mass transit systems, passenger information, sustainable urban mobility, energy and environmental economics, demography and population, real estate and housing markets, education and higher education, employment, and qualifications.
The research group is composed of members with different but complementary backgrounds, from regional and urban planners, and economists to industrial engineers. Despite the relative youth and reduced dimension of this research group, its members already supervised a significant number of master and doctoral theses, as well as integrating or being responsible for several approved research projects, some of which involve other universities and firms.